Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Poo

And it isn't what it sounds like! ;-)

I stumbled across a thread on one of the forums I frequent about doing no poo (AKA not using shampoo). I was only mildly intrigued at first, but as I continued to read about various experiences with this method I became very interested. The women who do this method swear that their hair is so much nicer and easier to manage. Goodness knows I could use some easy to manage hair, especially dealing with it in the southern summers. The humidity brings havoc to my hair, making it stick up in about 800 different directions. There is nothing I've discovered, so far, that can tame it. I figured this was worth a shot.

I looked up a bunch of different no poo sites to see what the recommendations were. Most people do a "wash" with baking soda and water and then "condition" with vinegar and something that smells good to cover the vinegar scent (vanilla and cinnamon were what I went with).

So yesterday I mixed up two different bowls of stuff and headed for the shower. (As a side note, you should really not mix with cold water. Quite the shock when you pour it on your head.)

I put the baking soda mixture on my hair, massaging it into the roots, and left it for a few minutes. After rinsing (another aside, don't let that mixture run into your mouth. Yuck.) that out, I put the vinegar mixture on. After rinsing it off, I could actually tell that my hair had been conditioned, although it certainly didn't feel like it would with a commercial conditioner.

The real test was going to be drying and flat ironing it. But, remarkably, I couldn't tell a difference once my hair was all done.

The no pooers say that it takes your hair several days to scale back oil production. Apparently, commercial shampoos strip the natural oils from your hair so your body goes into oil super drive. I haven't noticed an overabundance of oil yet, but I'm on the lookout.

So today is day 3 of no poo. After a few weeks I hope to have pictures.

(And, yes, Jake thinks I'm crazy. I told him I'd buy him a bottle of Pert Plus. LOL)


Karen Ann

I have friends who don't use anything on their hair for several days at a time...just maybe rinse it off in the shower and fix as usual. I tried it once or twice last year when my hair was long, and now I'm not so keyed up about washing my hair every single day. I didn't like it much, because while I don't get greasy hair (I did as a teenager, hooboy!), my hair gets harder to manage after a while. I'm probably just used to it feeling a certain way and am too old to change!

I grew up in a time when people (even men) were growing their hair long, and a market for shampoo grew up around that. But my mother didn't wash her hair every day when she was growing up, or even when I was a kid. It just wasn't done. The commercials when I was a little kid were all about how "I just washed my hair and I can't do a thing with it!" You couldn't go out on a Saturday date because that was the day you washed your hair!

Since we have all these modern "products" and conveniences, like flat irons that we don't have to put on top of the wood stove to heat up, there's really no reason to wash your hair every day if you just don't want to.

Let me know when you start using baby wipes instead of showering! I hear that's a trend, too. :)