Friday, November 21, 2008

Three cheers for viability!

1. 20 weeks, 5 days-Oct. 29-Gestation at which my water broke with Spencer PASSED!

2. 24 weeks-Nov. 21-Viability PASSED!

3. 30 weeks, 3 days-Jan. 5-Gestation at which Spencer was born

4. 37 weeks-Feb. 20-Full term

5. 40 weeks, 1 day-Mar. 15-Overdue

Another milestone met! You are not going to meet a happier pregnant lady than I am today. With Spencer, this was a big, big goal that no one thought I'd end up hitting. My water had already been broken for close to 3 weeks and I was able to get my first round of steroids once I got to this point. Not to mention the hospital staff was very frank with me in saying that they would make no effort to save Spencer before 24 weeks. Not even at 23 weeks, 6 days.

I really feel like I can take a deep breath. But not too deep, because I still have 2 more mandatory milestones to meet!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My good report of the day

I had a prenatal with my midwife today and everything is just peachy!

My fundus is measuring 27 weeks, about 3 weeks ahead of where I actually am. She said I had plenty of good fluid and Jack had a wonderfully reactive heartbeat. I asked her to check his position, just out of curiosity, and he is in a funky breech position with his butt by my right hip and his head underneath my left ribs. She did say his head is tucked under, which is very good. I told her that occasionally I feel like he's in my ribs on the right side and she bets that he's flipping transverse to breech with his head there.

Words cannot express how much I love having a midwife. She comes to my house for every prenatal and we chat for about 30 minutes before even getting into the pregnancy stuff. Today, when she checked Jack's position, Freckles was sitting on her lap the whole time. You just don't get that service with a doctor. :-)

I mentioned to her that I was having trouble staying asleep once I fell asleep, either because my hips hurt or because I simply can't fall back to sleep after getting up to potty. She gave me some yoga moves to help loosen my hips and said that should help the first half of the night at least. She also encouraged me to go out and be busy in the hours before dinner. This will help me be more physically tired at bedtime so that I can sleep harder and fall back to sleep more easily. I told her I'd been toying with the idea of joining a gym and she said that sounded like a good idea. So that is definitely on my agenda for next week: call some gyms. I need to get some exercise anyway.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pregnancy Milestones

Recorded here for posterity. :-)

1. 20 weeks, 5 days-Oct. 29-Gestation at which my water broke with Spencer PASSED!

2. 24 weeks-Nov. 21-Viability

3. 30 weeks, 3 days-Jan. 5-Gestation at which Spencer was born

4. 37 weeks-Feb. 20-Full term

5. 40 weeks, 1 day-Mar. 15-Overdue

Well, I won't cry if I don't make that last one, but the rest are greatly desired!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

After a weekend of knitting...

I completed Jack's second pair of longies. For some reason, I always wanted a pair of yellow and green striped longies for Spencer. I didn't learn how to knit until last fall, so he was basically out of diapers by that time. So I decided green and yellow would be perfectly lovely for a March baby.

They aren't done (I still have to weave the ends and stitch the crotch together), and they certainly aren't perfect, but I feel like they are so cute!

I still have several things that I want to knit for him. It'll be cold for at least a month after he's born, so I'm planning on knitting more long stuff in a newborn size and shorties in a size small.