Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome, Fin!

I think pretty much everyone who reads this blog is my friend on Facebook, so this isn't an announcement for you, obviously. *laugh*

Finnegan Howard

September 26, 2010

1:25 pm

9 lbs, 8 oz

21 1/8 inches

Sweet as sugar.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The lazy has invaded me. I have less than zero energy.

As of right now, there are about 5 big things that need to be done around here before Fin comes. And it isn't like they can just be left undone. When you have your babies at home, home needs to be ready to handle L&D. Mainly, it needs to be clean.

I find it impossible to maintain any sense of order or cleanliness in this house. Jake and I worked for hours in a row two weekends ago and the house was chaos within a few days (although the windows have stayed pretty clean). I know that a lot of it just goes with having two young kids. They are going to drag the toys out and leave them in places they don't go. I'm not one to mind having a bit of toys scattered throughout the living room, bonus room and, of course, in the boys' room, but they drive me crazy when they make it into the kitchen or my bedroom. And, naturally, Jack is too little to do any major picking up and Spencer, much like his mother, can be oblivious to the mess. I can say, "Spencer, pick up that pencil at your feet" and he'll look all around and not be able to see that it is right between his feet.

Their nutrition has greatly suffered at the hands of my late pregnancy laziness. Spencer has pretty much learned how to get his own food out of the fridge and gets Jack some too (but part of that is b/c Jack is all up in Spencer's business if he doesn't have some as well). Their go-to snack these days is squeezable yogurt and bread. Yes, bread, right out of the bag. I have managed to keep us stocked in milk, but it has been an effort.

I know that some of this is late pregnancy fatigue. It certainly doesn't help that I have slept through the night maybe 10 days in the last 18 months and that is hard on a person. Jack gets me up between 6 and 7 in the mornings and I am ready to have a nap by 11. I slept with Jack for 2 hours this afternoon. My eyes have been more than ready to close by 9:30 every night for the last week.

It makes me worry about how I'm going to handle another labor. I went into labor last time pretty well rested and I was exhausted by the end. There is no real napping to be had during a natural childbirth.

I'm going to get up now and attempt to clean a bit. Wish me luck that I make it through more than one room before falling asleep on my feet.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hold On, Baby!

38.5 weeks

I hope I have some time left. Tomorrow I will be at the same point, gestationally (is that even a word? I have no clue...), that I went into labor with Jack. Jake left for his training in Austin today.

I need this baby to hold on. Just hold on for one more week!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Ramifications of Nursing

Jack weaned, with a push from me, back in late March. He was a year old and not really ready to give it up, but pregnancy can zap the best of milk supplies (which mine was) and I could tell he was growing frustrated with it. He was nursing, easily, twice as much as he had been and acting kind of angry about it. I just didn't have a good supply, if any, left.

One of the ramifications, in my opinion, of pushing them to wean before their ready is what I've started calling the "comfort boob."

Exhibit A:

Is he just hanging out? Bored?

Hand in the cleavage.

Upset? Hurt?

Hand in the cleavage.

Post temper tantrum?

Hand in the cleavage.

You get the drift.

Good thing I don't mind.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear Ms. Spider,

I want to take a moment to formally apologize for sucking you up in my vacuum cleaner yesterday afternoon. I feel like I should explain seeing as how I not only allowed you to live in the window above our computer all summer, but I lobbied my husband several times not to squish you.

You see, we had a fly issue this summer. We moved the dog food outside the back patio door which brought the flies (and in one instance, a very unlucky possum) in droves. This wouldn't be a big issue if I didn't have children. They have this really annoying habit of going in and out doors, specifically our patio door, and leaving it open. And the dog destroyed the screen many moons ago, so we don't even have that option. Although, honestly, I think the boys would've left that open anyway too.

So I wanted you to be able to hang out, both metaphorically and literally, to help curb the fly problem. And let me take this moment to say what a bang up job you did. When I vacuumed up you and your impressive web yesterday, I also vacuumed up a ton of fly carcasses. So well done, Ms. Spider! I commend you!

My dear husband pointed out that you looked like you were about to lay eggs, though. And while I am appreciative of the job you did this summer, I can't make room for hundreds of spiders in my house. I barely have room for the 4 (soon to be 5) humans, 5 animals, and all our stuff. We didn't think out this two bedroom thing very well, obviously.

So, sorry. May you have speedy passage into the next spider life.



Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Randomness

I wonder if my kids would fight as much if they were a boy and a girl.

We all have snotty noses and that sucks.

But I love this weather shift anyway. I'm sad that it is going to get hot again on Monday.

I wish the A/C people could've installed the new A/C this weekend, just for my peace of mind if nothing else.

I wish we didn't need a new A/C. It is expensive.

I can't believe our rental agency is blowing our renters off. I think we're going to fire them.

I really, really cannot have this baby until after the 20th. Really.

I feel like Thomas the Tank Engine has permeated almost every facet of my life. I only mind sometimes.

I just want to stay home all day and nap, but I have a lot to do even if we did stay home all day.

I miss teaching this time of year. I wish I'd have gotten that job in Flippin.

I hate finding bits of food all over my house. I can see pieces of pretzel from where I'm sitting now and I know there are goldfish crumbs on the living room floor. I just swept yesterday.

I'm so happy Jake replaced our screens. Our house looks 25% less ghetto now.

The box fans we bought last night made a huge difference in the coolness of our house this morning. I'm hoping I can keep it under 76 in here today.

I'm going to throttle our dog if she doesn't stop chewing stuff up. I know it is just the puppy in her, but I'm down to 2 pair of flip flops. I think she ate 6 of my pair alone this summer.

Why aren't there more girl engines on the Island of Sodor?

The carrot cake I ate last night was the best I've ever had. I'm glad I ate it, even if it did make me so full I was miserable.

I should drink more water.

I need more shirts that fit. I'm down to two of mine and a few t-shirts of Jake's. Even my maternity shirts flash my belly.

Jack is so ornery. It is cute now but I can see that cuteness fading really fast in the next year.

Spencer needs to whine less. It is driving Jake up the wall. I guess he can't tune it out like I can.

I wish Jack would sleep through the night. He was doing it 3 times or so a week or at least not waking up until 3 am-ish. The last week he's been waking up in the 10 or 11:00 hour so I've ended up sleeping in his bed all night. I like sleeping with Jake better.

I need to fold laundry. The pile is seriously huge.

I obviously had a lot of thoughts floating around in my head. I had no idea the list would be this long.