Monday, July 20, 2009

God Love PBS <3

Because I sure do.

I tend to think of myself as an environmentalist. I'm not the perfect environmentalist; I forget my re-usable bags sometimes and use plastic baggies way more than I should. But I do what I can in this day and age to reduce my family's impact.

There is a show on PBS called "Superwhy" in which the characters try to solve problems by changing around stories from books. It really is a cute little show. One episode focuses on a little frog named Tiddalick. He lives in the (I assume) Australian Outback alongside a kangaroo and a koala (I think). When it rains, all the holes fill up with water and everyone generally gets some to use for whatever they need. The kangaroo wants to take a bath and brush her teeth while the koala wants to water his plants. Tiddalick likes to play in the water and, so the story goes, jumps in all of it, wasting it, so that his neighbors don't get any.

So the neighbors have to go over with Tiddalick why this is a bad idea, to waste all the water. Apparently, Spencer has really internalized this message (and I know I've mentioned wasting water a time or two).

A moment ago, I was loading the dishwasher. I was about to put something down the disposal and had the water running. Spencer runs in, sees the water running and shouts, "Mommy, I think you're wasting water!!" What a chip off the old block. ;-)