Friday, December 31, 2010

The Walters' Year In Pictures













Saturday, December 18, 2010

Solicitors of the World:

Take note!

It is best not to solicit women who come out of the grocery store with carts that look like this:

He was blowing out something he perceived to be hot (in this case, car exhaust, LOL).

And arms that each look like this:

I assure you her main goal is to get into her car with as much speed as possible, especially if either of her children are crying.  Trying to get her to stop to give you time and/or money is not in your best interest if you want to get through the day without being verbally assaulted.

Thanks for your time and attention to this matter.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Amidst all the drama of last weekend (you know, husband gone, kids sick, yadda, yadda...) we had another bit of excitement thrown in the mix.


Picture it: You've just walked into your house after hauling 3 kids to the Wal-Mart clinic (think practically no waiting room and no place for kids to sit in the examining room, basically chaos) and to the pharmacy (where despite being first in line your prescription still takes a half hour to fill).

So you've just come in the door and are peeling coats off of two kids who are running around like wild banshees while trying to get the screaming baby out of his car seat.  At this point, one of your kids (the toddler, so it is extra cute) crouches down next to the kitchen table and points, laughing hysterically.  You had seen the cat run by but you can't quite figure out why he's laughing at the cat, who he sees zooming around the house most of the day.

Then, the warning cry by your kindergartner: "Mommy, Poo Kitty has a mouse!"

No way, you think.

You crouch down to check and, sure enough, there is a mouse doing his very best to run away from this large orange predator.  You expected to see something grotesque and rat-like, but instead you see something that, being the softie you are, you want to protect: a cute, teeny, brown mouse.  Unfortunately, you don't want to protect it enough to let it roam free in your house, so out it must go.

You make a panicked phone call to your husband, who laughs at you, enjoying your high pitched freak out voice.  You wag your fist of fury at him and hang up the phone.  HOW are you going to get this thing out of the house?

Suddenly, the cat makes a power play and snatches the mouse up in his mouth, turning to stare at you as he does so.

A moment of brilliance: Get the cat to take the mouse outside.

You run to the door and throw it open, calling "Poo Kitty, come outside! Come on, kitty! Come outside!"  He looks at you like you've lost your mind.  You plead with him in your mind not to drop the mouse.  Finally, after several minutes of coaxing, he carries the mouse outside.


The worst part: the animals were locked in the house, so the mouse came from somewhere on the inside.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Plague

I was going to make a new post about the book series I'm reading, but the plague has apparently infected my house so I decided to write about it instead.

To begin, Jack has had some crud for at least a week. A progressively worsening cough and snot that began turning neon green. I assumed it was just a cold and it would pass.

On Wednesday evening, Spencer told me his stomach hurt. A doctor once told me that kids will often complain about stomach pain with strep throat (although I have no idea why), so I felt his noggin to find a fever of over 101.

The next day, I haul my gaggle of children to the doctor's office and we get a diagnosis of strep throat, Spencer's second round of it in as many months. My dear husband will get strep if anyone in a 10 mile radius has it, so I call him to give him warning and lo and behold he's been feeling puny all day. Awesome.

That night, Jake said that Jack was burning up and really restless. By the time Jack found me and I felt his head, he felt cool so I brushed the idea of him having a fever aside.

The same night, Fin had been quite warm to the touch and tossing and turning all night, so I had given him a wee baby sized dose of tylenol. The next day he barely even coughed. I had made both of them a doctor's appointment early in the day, but when they both seemed to improve I canceled it assuming I was overreacting.

Wrong choice.

Last night was miserable. Spencer is on the mend, thank God for small miracles, but Jack was burning with a fever and Fin was hacking and so stuffed up that he was screaming with frustration and hunger.

Did I mention Jake is away at drill?

I got us up and moving this morning and we went to the new clinic at Wal-Mart. I generally really dislike Wal-Mart, but their clinic is open late and on weekends when NO OTHER office in my whole town is. Before this clinic opened, any illness that occurred on the weekend and needed medical attention was directed to the emergency room. Talk about a waste of the ER's time.

The NP (I love NPs, BTW) looked, listened and probed the boys while Spencer, reviling in his new found post-illness energy, acted like a wild animal, and diagnosed Jack with strep and Fin with a minor ear infection and an irritated throat.

Antibiotics all around.

While I was at the pharmacy getting the medicine filled, I picked up some Vitamin C w/echinacea hoping that it will help with the boys' immune systems. I'm also dosing Jack with motrin and tylenol for the pain and everyone (including Jake, although he doesn't know it yet) is going to start taking probiotics.

I feel like a nurse.

Hopefully by tomorrow everyone will feel at least 50% better and we can go to Branson to see Santa. Spencer was so disappointed that we had to delay our trip, which was scheduled for today.

Now I'm going to go lysol my house.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jake + Mandy = Clones