Friday, July 15, 2011

While I Was Out...

One day in February, Jake and I were sitting at our computer, at our only computer, working on our budget.  As we were hashing things out, and occasionally freaking out, a little 23 month old boy crawled over and pushed the power button.  The computer went dark.

When Jake tried to turn it back on, we got the blue screen of death.  A lot of people think black is the color of death, but I'm here to tell you, the color of death is blue.

Many thanks to Jake's brother, who got our computer running again.

Just as I was about to get into the hang of blogging again, Fin spilled a beer all over our keyboard (that was Jake's story, anyway).  Now the keys stick something fierce, so if I end up typing a whole bunch of letters in a row or something, you know why.  I have beer-keys.

So while I was out, we had a lot going on.

1. Jack turned 2!

Now that I've had all my children, Jack's birth is going to go down as my favorite.  Well, as favorite as something like that can be.  So I was happy to celebrate having him around for another year.

He is really a character.  He doesn't talk much, in fact he talks VERY little, but he understands every word out of your mouth and has developed his own little sign language to get his needs met just fine thankyouverymuch.  He doesn't scream at strangers anymore.  In fact, at the grocery store last week he waved at every single person we passed.  Literally.  And he was wearing cowboy boots and a train hat while he did it.  Cuteness overload.

That means "2."

2. Fin got mobile.

I'm not sure that Fin was doing anything besides sitting around looking cute as of my last post.  My how things change.

It seemed like he went from doing nothing to doing everything at once.  Several weeks after he learned to roll over, he started working on crawling.  When he started crawling, he pulled up for the first time in the same week.  He took his first steps in his 8th month and was walking full time two weeks later.

Both the other boys walked right around the year mark, so for Fin to start walking so much earlier is such a strange thing for me.  I mean, he's a baby still!

My mover and shaker on the beach (which he hated) last month.

3. Spencer finished Kindergarten.

How is that even possible?

How did this:

Turn in to this:


That is a first day and last day of school comparison shot there.  In the first he looks so shy and uncertain.  He just looks like a brat who didn't want his picture taken in the second.  I caught him at a relatively good spot between him yelling, "No Mommy, I hate pictures! Don't take my picture!"

But he was promoted to first grade and that's what is important.  Today he asked when he would have to go and I told him in a month and he freaked out.  My biggest hope is that the beginning of first grade won't be what the beginning of Kindy was for him.

4. Jake got a new love in his life.

That would be his new shiny, big, so tall that I have to jump to get in it, company truck.  I don't have any pictures to offer you of that, but I'm sure I could dump his phone and find a few.

I guess he got two new loves as, now that he's got a big truck, he's been going fishing a lot.  Which is fine with me b/c we struck a deal that said once he's gone fishing five times, I get a night alone in a hotel.  Sweet deal.

I guess those are all the really big things.

Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things and keep blogging on my radar.  We'll see.