Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world about 90% of the time (the other 10% of the time I'm working on the bills, ugh).

I have a husband that I adore and that likes me ok too. ;-)

I have 3 amazing kids that keep me on my toes.

I have 2 awesome sisters whom I love dearly.

I have 2 very sweet nephews.

I have a family that is there to support me in good times and bad.

My inlaws are great people that love me and do nothing but smother my children in affection.

I have a house that keeps me warm and enough money to keep us all fed.

I have a car that drives and is paid off, even if we are packed into it like little sardines.

Jake has a job. So thankful for that in this economy.

My job is so much fun. I love going to work and all the perks I get (like bringing the boys with me).

I have made some great friends in Mtn. Home.

I truly feel blessed.