Friday, July 2, 2010


There is really something to be said for alone time.

After being sat on, rubbed on, clung to, and jumped on for the better portion of each day, sometimes I just want my children to go away. Not for a long time, just long enough to watch a tv show or grab a bite to eat without having to share.

98% of the time, any time I spend without my children is spent with Jake. I am a huge advocate of getting out of the house with the spouse sans kids. Jake and I try to have a date night at least once a month and actually prefer to do so twice a month or more. We don't do anything fancy; if we are in Mtn. Home our dates usually are dinner and a movie. If we are in Little Rock, we usually do dinner, a movie, and a Target trip (b/c, really, when you live in a land of no Target you go as often as you can when you find one). We are dinner and movie people, I suppose.

But every once in a while, I want to be ALONE. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to accommodate anyone else's wants, needs, or desires. I want to do what I want to do.

I feel very lucky that I have a husband who gets that about me. He has no problem telling me to get out of the house. There have been times I've taken a book and parked my car in a parking lot somewhere to read (welcome to Mtn. Home, where the only walk-in coffee shop closes at 6 pm).

Last night, I went to a movie by myself. For those that have never done this, it is amazing and I encourage you to give it a try! I used to be embarrassed by it, but I do it proudly now. I don't have to share my popcorn. Or my candy. Or my coke. I can squeeze into a spot in the theatre that a group couldn't, so I get a better seat. And in the instance of last night's movie, Eclipse, I don't have to listen to snarky comments coming from the seat beside me.

While I was at the movie enjoying myself, Jake and the boys were out having "man time." They ate at Spencer's very most favorite place, Pizza Hut, and went to the park to play since the weather took a mild turn.

And when I got home, I was refreshed and ready for another day.