Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Before I had a child...

Before Spencer arrived in my life, I knew how I would parent. I knew the correct things to do and say. It is how I was raised. The more I read and research, the more I realize the way I was brought up was wrong on so many levels. Am I horribly emotionally stunted? No. I think I came out on the other side just fine. But, at the same time, I am bound and determined not to make the same mistakes with my child.

I am a hippie (minus the drug part! LOL). I am addicted to cloth diapers. I am a "breastfeeding nazi." I don't vaccinate my son and he is not circumcised. I believe firmly in baby wearing and tote slings and wraps with me to and fro. I hate to leave him and the thought of my upcoming European vacation leaves me with pangs of guilt b/c it means leaving my child with a grandparent for a WEEK! I think co-sleeping is wonderful if it works for your family and we co-sleep part time.

With my ever increasing crunchiness comes ever increasing judgement. I used to be a "whatever works for your family" type of girl, never to cast blame or doubt on a parent unless the committed the worst of parenting faux pas (like putting coke in a bottle). But with time, research, and age, I have come to realize that there are actually wrong ways to parent. It is very difficult for me not to point fingers and tell people they are wrong. Very difficult.

I hope that, in this blog, I can express how I feel, with research to back it up, of course, so that I don't actually end up pointing any fingers. I don't want to make people feel bad, that is never my intent. I just wish people would research and make their own decisions instead of doing what society (or their doctor) says is the right thing.