Ultrasound highlights:
*He's measuring about 3 weeks ahead, still. This has led me to believe my dates may be off a bit, but I'm not "officially" changing my due date. Shea's last two ultrasounds have put my due date at 2/28 and 2/21, respectively.
*He's got a head that is measuring 32 weeks, which is a full month ahead. Shea said boys have big noggins. :-)
*He really likes his feet. The perfect first toy!
*He has lots of good fluid.
*He was head down at the ultrasound, but that can still change. Although Shea said that if he moved from that position to another one, I'd definately know it as it would take a pretty big effort on his part.
You can blame that big head on his daddy. I have the scars to prove it!
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