I can't decide if we've been really busy or if I've been really lazy, so I'm going to go with busy. We've been traveling back and forth between Mountain Home and Little Rock (or Fayetteville, but mainly Little Rock) almost every weekend for the past 4-6 weeks. Last weekend was the first weekend we were able to stay home in what felt like forever. Between taking Spencer to the dentist, Thanksgiving, and Christmas shopping, we've been tearing up the road in a big way. If gas was still $3.50 a gallon we wouldn't have been able to afford to do it.
We are headed to Little Rock yet again tomorrow. My little sister (well, she's 22, so not really so little) is graduating from nursing school tomorrow night. I'm so super proud of her. For quite a while it seemed like her head might have been screwed on a little crooked, but lately she's been making some stellar decisions and I couldn't be happier for her. She's getting her LPN tomorrow night and then will go to UALR for the spring semester to finish out some classes she needs to go on and get her RN. I have a feeling I'll be hitting her up for money in a few years. ;-) She definitely picked a more lucrative career field than I did!
On Friday we are scheduled for a 4D ultrasound with my aunt. In the beginning of this pregnancy, I only wanted to have one ultrasound done: the 20 week. That way we'd know if there was some underlying condition (heart, lung, intestinal, etc.) that would necessitate us being in the hospital instead of having a homebirth. I had some slight complications in the beginning that led me to having two early ultrasounds, the ones I REALLY wanted to avoid, within about a week and a half of each other. Then I went ahead and had the standard 20 week. I was planning on being done with them at that point, but I mentioned a 4D to Jake and he expressed that he'd really like to go in and have one done. I have a lot of guilt b/c he missed almost all of my pregnancy with Spencer (including the 14 billion ultrasounds I had done during that pregnancy), so I wanted to oblige and indulge him. He is really amazed when Shea does them and always asks tons of questions.
Speaking of Jake, can I just take a minute to brag on him big time? He's been so great about coming to my appointments with me and asking questions or even taking notes! I don't really need him when my midwife comes to the house b/c she doesn't do anything pushy or invasive, but my OB certainly does. I really need him there for moral support so I can tell the doctor exactly what I think about things, and Jake has totally been there for me. He's expressed some nervousness over the entire birthing process since he is so queasy around blood and other bodily fluids, but I know he's going to be amazing.
I'll leave you with a picture of me at 27 weeks. I've been taking pics every 3 weeks, and this is just the latest in the line. :-) And please pardon the blurriness; Jake took the pic and he's usually not our family photographer. LOL
Wow, I can't believe how relieved I was when I read "27 weeks"! I've felt really good about Jack for a long time, now. I didn't realize I was holding any tension about it until I read that. So close to 30 weeks. I posted a bunch of pictures on my facebook yesterday--including my one and only belly shot of Will. You should take a look. Your behind won't be as big as mine, but I'm sure your belly will be, soon!
Congrats to your "little" sister!
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