I'm talking about this:
That is what two very wild boys and one very little boy look like when scrunched three across in the back of my Honda Accord.
Let me go ahead and profess my embarrassment that Jack is forward facing already. All the new research shows that kids are 500% safer when kept rear facing to the weight limit on their seats and the American Academy of Pediatrics is about to come out with a recommendation to keep kids rear facing to age two, or so I hear anyway. But I literally could not drive with his seat rear facing and I'm a shorty. One day, if I ever get a bigger vehicle, I'll turn him back around.
When we found out Fin was coming, I was pretty convinced we'd be getting a new vehicle. Then we paid my car off and Jake insisted that we keep it and put them across the back seat.
In order to accomplish this, the first thing we had to do was get Jack a new seat. The seat he had (and that had been Spencer's) was really wide, so we traded that one for a Sunshine Kids Radian, which is super duper narrow but still one of the best on the market. We'd have even more room if we also put Spencer in one, but a) Spencer freaks out at any little change (we got the seat he is in now last summer and it took 6 months for him to stop whining about it), b) they are $250 and c) the cup holder on his current seat rocks my world. No telling how many spills that thing has saved me.
However, as you can see in the picture, Spencer's seat bumps up against Fin's and makes it tilt to the side. It is still safe (the base is tightly secured and the seat is firmly snapped into the base), but Fin's poor little head topples to the right when he is riding in the car. I hate that.
Another problem that we are having with them wedged in there so tightly is that Jack can not only reach Fin, but can reach him well enough to smack him in the face and steal his passie. Ask me how I know. :-/
I'm hoping I can convince Jake to upgrade us in the spring. All the traveling we'll be doing during Thanksgiving and Christmas may do the convincing for me.
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