This month, Spencer started school. And it is a pain in my rear, to put it mildly. I am missing our lazy days hanging out at home, but probably not nearly as much as Spencer is. I also went back to Mother's Day Out 3 days a week and Jack has aged out of the baby room and is now in the toddler class. He is not a fan. I can hear him wailing for about 10 minutes when I leave him and then for 10-15 minutes at nap time. I expected him to be a lot more clingy after we left each day, but he really hasn't been at all. It seems that, minus the tearful times, he's just fine.
I can't say the same for Spencer, though. He hasn't warmed up to Kindergarten at all and drop offs seem to be getting worse and not better. Last week he had one day that was so bad I told him if that ever happened again he'd be riding the bus from then on. We haven't had another day like that, but we've had several very tearful ones. It breaks my heart b/c it isn't an angry tantrum, it is a heartbroken cry. I'm considering going to eat lunch with him today, but I 'm not sure if it is a good idea yet. He'd probably want to come home with me and be upset when he couldn't.
A pic from the first day (note the joy and enthusiasm on his face, LOL):
I am hoping that next week will be better, but who knows. The three day weekend may throw him off even more.
Sorry it is so rough on him (and you)! Jackson's been having a tough time too; yesterday a neighbor took him to school and it seemed to help him alot. I hope it gets better soon. I get teary eyed thinking about Violet going to 3 years!!!
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