By the look on his face, you'd think it wasn't totally his idea, huh? ;-)
On Friday, Jake had a vasectomy. I can't claim that I was 100% on board, b/c I wasn't. I haven't been too happy about having another baby, but it isn't necessarily the baby itself that has me freaked out, it is the age gap between Jack and the baby. And I think I've said to him more than once, "Why stop at 3? Let's have more!" I really do enjoy being pregnant for the most part and I adore older infants and toddlers. Just not little babies, so much.
But Jake was adamant that he was done after Jack and I put the idea of a vasectomy off as much as I could. The permanence is quite scary to me, especially b/c Jake and I are still quite young. 27 just doesn't seem old enough to make such a permanent fertility decision.
The surprise of Fin, not to mention the terrible age gap, was enough for me to relent no matter that I'd have 1 bazillion kids if he'd let me. Three really is a good number for us. I'm one of three and so is he, so I'm happy with the decision to stop here.
Recovery wise, it has been up and down. The first day was ok. I expected the second to be really terrible, but it wasn't. It seems to be a bit worse today, but Jake said he feels it in his abdomen, presumably b/c they severed some connective tissue in the process of the procedure. He is planning to go back to work on Wednesday and I've encouraged him to stay off work as long as it takes to feel ok. Pushing it won't help him heal any more quickly.
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