This is my favorite time of year b/c of the farmer's market. A week or so ago, I picked up some peaches. Last week, I picked up some blackberries. My original plan had been to make a peach cobbler and later a blackberry cobbler, but we got busy and the peaches just kept sitting in the fridge, unused.
Then, as it turns out, I hadn't purchased enough of either fruit to make cobbler.
I started browsing the internet for recipes using what I had and stumbled across a pie recipe that used both. It sounded pretty good and not all that complicated, so I printed it off and decided to run with it.By far the most intimidating thing about making a pie is the crust. It just seems like a really big deal. I have memories dating back 2 decades of my grandmother rolling out pie crusts so the whole idea wasn't foreign to me, it just seemed like it would be difficult to get right.
I decided to give it a go anyway. I pulled out my trusty red and white gingham Betty Crocker cookbook (holla to Jake's Gram, who got that for us as a wedding gift), found a crust recipe, and got to work.
Amid the screaming and gnashing of teeth going on by my children, I managed to roll out two pie crusts that actually fit in the one pie pan I had. I laid the first in, put in the filling, put the second on top, cut the slits, and popped it in the oven.
Just before going in the cooker:
It had been baking about 20 minutes when Jake got home from work. He is currently on a low-carb diet in preparation for an Army combatives class in September, so he took on look in the oven and let me know what an injustice I was perpetrating. He wouldn't have liked it anyway; he has a thing about seedy textures and blackberries are, of course, pretty seedy.
Anyway, after about an hour the pie came out of the oven looking and smelling delicious.
I managed to wait until after dinner to cut a slice. I was nervous. I'd never made a pie before, much less a pie totally from scratch. I was afraid it would taste bad. Afraid that the insides would just kind of liquefy and run all over the pie pan when it was cut.
Fortunately, I am an expert recipe follower and the pie was delicious.
I dedicate my first pie to my grandmother, who is the queen bee of all pies. May I acquire her stash of recipes soon! ;-)