Seven years ago, I was 20 years old. I look at 20 year olds now and think about what babies they are. The first batch of students I ever taught are 21 now.
But, oh, what a grown up I thought I was. And so I told Jake that I wouldn't "shack" with him and that if he didn't marry me I was moving back into the dorms when summer was over. He says he's glad I forced his hand, and I totally believe him. ;-)
Jake was fresh out of basic training and I was in between my sophomore and junior years in college.
We were broke, so broke, and living in this little shanty of an apartment. Every Thursday, we'd load up all our laundry and haul it over to the ghetto to the laundromat. And God knows we looked like we belonged there, because all of our good clothes were dirty. By Thursday we were wearing the dregs.
And now we've survived so much together. A deployment. A very early, very sick baby. The purchase of two houses, three cars, and a motorcycle. The adoptions of 6 pets. A beautiful home birth with another rapidly approaching.
We've come a long way since we were the 20 year olds who got hitched. I wouldn't trade a second. Not one.
And on another sappy note, happy father's day to the best man I could've ever picked to have children with.
We have a lot of laughs around here, can you tell?
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