1. My Boys

Yes, both these pictures are old, but I didn't have anything better! I don't think I need to elaborate on this point.
2. Coconut Anything
Cakes, pies, drinks, anything coconut smelling....you name it, odds are I'll love it! I make a cake with cream of coconut poured down in it and it is freaking awesome.
3. A Clean House
I sure love the feeling of walking into a clean house. However, this is something I almost never have. Between playing with, feeding, and generally chasing the boys around all day, in addition to having a dog that seems to blow his coat year round, there just isn't enough time in the day. One day, I'll have at least a housekeeper to come scrub my toilets. *wistful sigh*
4. Mowing the Lawn
Jake is absolutely convinced that I am lying through my teeth every single time I say I love mowing the grass. Yet, he can't figure out WHY I lie about it. That's because I don't. I, seriously, love mowing the grass. It makes me feel like I've really accomplished something and I feel like I get some exercise while doing it. Love it.
5. Animals
You name it, I probably love it. Just ask Jake about the time Catch, our fierce hunter cat, brought in a bunny. I couldn't stand to see the bunny hurt, bleeding, or dead, so I called him home to deal with it while I hid in our bonus room. (The bunny managed to find and hide out in a cup and ended up being just fine, btw.) And I've hauled many a caught bird to the vet's office (but they all seem to expire before I can get there :-( ). I am an animal lover through and through.
6. Target
Known to some as the "hundred dollar store," it is probably my favorite place to shop. Need some clothes for the boys? Breastfeeding supplies? Cat litter? Dog food? Target's got you covered. And with better quality than other big box stores.
2. Coconut Anything
3. A Clean House
4. Mowing the Lawn
5. Animals
6. Target
Of course, those aren't all the things I love, but a pretty fair representation I'd say. :-)
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