At work, we've phased back into our 26 hour a week schedule. That means I'm working 6.5 hours, 4 days a week. It may not sound like a lot to those of you who work a full 40 hour week, but it is a relatively demanding job. I'm solely responsible for 4 babies and it is hard work! By the end of most days, I'm sweating and have gotten a pretty fair leg workout b/c I've been swaying and bouncing so much of the day.
Then I come home to more responsibilities, namely caring for Jack and Spencer, cooking dinner, and doing any housework that needs to be done.
Jake is really good help when it comes to the boys and dinner, but the housework is a point of contention. (Hi honey! I love you!)
He maintains that if the house isn't going to look like a showroom, like a picture in a magazine, all the time, that there is no point in cleaning it. The house is either clean (like spotlessly clean) or it is dirty. There is no middle ground.
I'm of the mind that a house can be dirty, messy, or clean. And clean doesn't necessarily mean magazine clean. A house can be clean but still have a bit of clutter. That doesn't make it dirty per se, just messy. I guess I feel there is a whole spectrum of house cleanliness options while Jake sees that there are only two.
So this weekend, I'm going to do my best to get the house in better shape. It'll probably be difficult, Jake has already told me he is going to work tomorrow, but I'm going to give it a fair shot. Hopefully I can get Jake on board to help. ;-)
I leave you with a pic of my sweet boys. I tried to get a picture of them together and this is the best I got. If one was looking at the camera and smiling, it was inevitable that the other was looking away, blinking, or just generally looked goofy.