But I slipped. I slipped, and the obsession took hold. And it turns out, there are a lot of adults who are totally into it. Who waste their days thinking about it. Who read blogs talking about it.
Yes, everyone, I am a Twi-hard.
What is a Twi-hard, you ask? Well, its very simple. I have fallen prey to the saga they call Twilight. Never read it? Unless you want the obsession to take you over as well, stay far away.
I've become a total fan girl. I have 4 Twilight blogs that I check daily, although none of the authors "know" me (I did email one today about something *shame*). Multiple times a day I check newmoonmovie.org, which houses information on the next Twilight movie, New Moon. If poor Jake thinks we won't be schlepping to the movie theater opening weekend in November, he is sadly mistaken.
I find myself wanting to buy shirts with witty Twilight sayings or pictures of the cast on them. I actually bought Jack a Twilight diaper last week. A $34 Twilight diaper. ONE diaper. And now I don't want him to use it b/c it will get ruined! Where's the logic in that! Its a diaper! You can certainly bet that I'd have been stalking the Twilight set with other Twi-hards if I happened to be in Vancouver during filming.
In all honesty, I pretty much do the same thing with all things Harry Potter. When Spencer was a baby, he had Harry Potter longies and I intend to make some for Jack this winter as well. But I don't know if I'll be able to resist also buying the boys "Twilight Orphan" t-shirts to go along with all the Gryffindor stuff.
So, now I leave you. I feel better now that I'm "out." Jack is asleep and I'm re-reading Twilight for the 3rd time.
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