We went in to see Shea not intending to find out the sex. Well, that's not totally true. I wanted to know b/c it would make shopping easier. This, of course, was of no concern to Jake since he wouldn't be doing any of the shopping. Everything from cloth diapers to swings and car seats are getting gender specific these days. So when Jake consented to let us find out I was thrilled. I knew it was a boy all along, but it was nice to have confirmation.
A few ultrasound pics for your enjoyment:
The first is a pic of his little hand all stretched out. Shea said this eliminates the chances of Trisomy 18. The second is his little profile (the top of his head is to the right, for those who are proficient ultrasound readers). She said he looked great and was big and strapping!
Before we left Little Rock, I made Jake take me by The Yarn Mart on Kavenaugh. Any guesses as to what they sell? LOL The yarn store here is quite sad, full of acrylic yarns. Nothing against acrylic, but I just don't knit with the stuff. You can't use it for longies, soakers, or shorties and it isn't nearly as warm as my yarn of choice, 100% wool. The Yarn Mart has a ton of 100% wool yarn so it is like Mecca for me.
Jake picked out a yarn for his winter hat while we were there. I just put it on the needles in this pic and you can see it is being fiercely guarded by Catch.
There was so much yarn in that skein that I should be able to make the baby something out of it as well.
I also picked up enough yarn to make several pairs of soakers and longies.
The green and yellow will make a pair of striped longies and a soaker or two. The light blue will probably make a pair of solid longies. Under the yellow, you can see a variegated yarn that will make some longies and hopefully also a pair of shorties for the summer. I need to find a trim for that one. I didn't think about that while I was there the last time, so I'll probably stop back by the store while we're in Little Rock this upcoming weekend. I also have 3 skeins of yarn dyed by some very talented ladies at Hyena Cart. Baby Jack will have a beautiful wool stash come March!
And, just for kicks, the hat I finished for Spence last week. It is made from some left over Peace Fleece (which is 100% wool), so it will be super warm.
Congrats on another boy!!! Jack, is it?! Sooo cute! I'm so glad things are going well for you. I can't wait to see you and your little prego baby bump soon! Love and hugs to you, Jake and Spencer! =)
All that yarn is yummy! I still have a fantasy of being able to whip out a pair of socks a day. Maybe this year!
I know it's weird to say, but I see Spencer in Jack the same way I saw Charles in Will's ultrasound, just by looking at his chin. In other words, he looks vaguely familiar! :)
We're good at boys around here!
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