I wonder if my kids would fight as much if they were a boy and a girl.
We all have snotty noses and that sucks.
But I love this weather shift anyway. I'm sad that it is going to get hot again on Monday.
I wish the A/C people could've installed the new A/C this weekend, just for my peace of mind if nothing else.
I wish we didn't need a new A/C. It is expensive.
I can't believe our rental agency is blowing our renters off. I think we're going to fire them.
I really, really cannot have this baby until after the 20th. Really.
I feel like Thomas the Tank Engine has permeated almost every facet of my life. I only mind sometimes.
I just want to stay home all day and nap, but I have a lot to do even if we did stay home all day.
I miss teaching this time of year. I wish I'd have gotten that job in Flippin.
I hate finding bits of food all over my house. I can see pieces of pretzel from where I'm sitting now and I know there are goldfish crumbs on the living room floor. I just swept yesterday.
I'm so happy Jake replaced our screens. Our house looks 25% less ghetto now.
The box fans we bought last night made a huge difference in the coolness of our house this morning. I'm hoping I can keep it under 76 in here today.
I'm going to throttle our dog if she doesn't stop chewing stuff up. I know it is just the puppy in her, but I'm down to 2 pair of flip flops. I think she ate 6 of my pair alone this summer.
Why aren't there more girl engines on the Island of Sodor?
The carrot cake I ate last night was the best I've ever had. I'm glad I ate it, even if it did make me so full I was miserable.
I should drink more water.
I need more shirts that fit. I'm down to two of mine and a few t-shirts of Jake's. Even my maternity shirts flash my belly.
Jack is so ornery. It is cute now but I can see that cuteness fading really fast in the next year.
Spencer needs to whine less. It is driving Jake up the wall. I guess he can't tune it out like I can.
I wish Jack would sleep through the night. He was doing it 3 times or so a week or at least not waking up until 3 am-ish. The last week he's been waking up in the 10 or 11:00 hour so I've ended up sleeping in his bed all night. I like sleeping with Jake better.
I need to fold laundry. The pile is seriously huge.
I obviously had a lot of thoughts floating around in my head. I had no idea the list would be this long.