First off, happy birthday to my big 4 year old! You read right, my little 2 pound, 14 ounce shrimp is 4 years old today. That sounds too old, but I guess every mother must feel like that when her kid gains another year. I'm sure my poor father and mother are just cringing that I'll be 27 on my next birthday (golly, when did I get so old???).
I have a hard time believing that my spunky little guy has been around for 4 whole years. What a nightmare it was to get him here! The situation surrounding his birth affected my life in such a profound way that I cannot even put it into words. He is sure worth every bit of it though.
Pics from his little preschool party and video of his birthday song:
In other news, the wee one (that would be Jack) is cracking Jake and me up with his giggling. He's started belly laughing which is just about the cutest thing ever. I managed to get it on video tonight. PLEASE ignore my baby talking. If it wasn't for that I couldn't get him to do it and entertain the masses. I'd claim that the sound of my voice makes him laugh, but you should see Jack giggling for Jake. I can't decide who is cuter sometimes, Jack or Jake!
Baby woke up, so I must go nurse him back down. Think I'll join him in sleeping this time. LOL